Third Party Controls
Alpha Laboratories’ diverse range of multi-constituent controls provide verified 3rd party Quality Controls that can help support your laboratory’s compliance with the latest ISO 15189 quality management guidelines.
Controls can be ordered direct or alternatively, added to your Managed Service Contract.
Streck’s body fluid control products include manual and automated body fluid controls and sperm count controls.
A range of Blood Group Serology (BGS) control reagents for validation and control of testing on an individual or batch basis.
Validating assay performance is essential and controls should be run with every batch of samples to give a target value and range in which the assay should recover.
The comprehensive line of positive procedural controls for immunophenotyping by flow cytometry is based on Streck’s proprietary cell-stabilisation technology.
Streck controls are available for most brands of haematology analysers and come in multiple levels to test accuracy and sensitivity.
The CRYOcheck™ range of frozen haemostasis products is designed to help labs save time and money while reporting test results with confidence.
The MDx-Chex™ for BCID2 control is designed to validate the entire analytical process for verifying the performance of the BIOFIRE® Blood Culture Identification 2 (BCID2) Panel for sepsis.