PCR Film

ThermalSeal® and ClearASeal Weld sealing films for PCR thermal cycling, plus EZcap™ PCR FilmStrips™ for sealing one 8-well row of a 96-well PCR plate.

Our adhesive films for classic thermal cycling applications offer better adhesion, reduced evaporation, longer end tabs for easier handling, and less tendency to tear during removal from the plate. Each sealing film offers sufficient sealing area for all PCR plates.

ClearASeal Weld heat sealed films are a clear strong bonding film ideal for water based applications. They have good optical clarity, is solvent resistant, and forms a permanent, non-peelable, non-pierceable seal. Suitable for a range of activities including PCR.

ThermalSeal A
eXTReme 2 Seal Films
eXTReme 2 Seal Films
ThermalSeal Sterile
EZcap™ PCR FilmStrips&#
ThermalSeal® MiniStrips™
eXTReme Seal Films for&#x
eXTReme Seal Films Large&
ThermalSeal2, Non-Sterile
ClearASeal Weld Heat Seal
ClearASeal Weld Heat Seal